
MASN Vienna

New MASN-Wien- meeting tread

This is just a test, because i don trust this board enough.
If you are in Vienna, and you see this tread, leave a reply, so that i can see how much of us would receive an information through this forum, and how fast this may work
now i also clicked on the eye once more.

we could use the newsletter text the next time, when we'll have fixed meetings, where there'll be a good space for newcomers.

There are further points to be discussed on Wednesday that's why i'll extend the list here:

1) Merging MASN Austria and MASN Vienna - organisational responsibilities and revitalization (renewed definition of the profile/goals of the Verein, and meaning for and simultaneities with the student network). How will we communicate within the net and the organization?

2) Refugee Project #1 (title ideas)
- money for whom, where and what
- location, time, programm -> concept

3) MASN homepage
-domain fees
-domain name

4) Coordination of the next meetings (MASN Vienna and MASN Austria)...

Thank you Mehrdad for coordinating and sending out the invitation to the next meeting. I'll also try to call Robin and will send the invitation to MASN Austria.

see you,

@maia Text for newsletter was o.k. but i agree with the date being a little bit to early for getting bigger.
Now I'm getting your messages to my email account too. for me it finaly works!

Iḿ alittle bit occupied this weekend and the days before i was preparing, so plz excusse my lack of action these days. I will start becoming more active from monday

Great that you could join virtually now too Flavian.
it's quite exciting what's going on in the network and the organization at the moment - the processes have a lot of creative, thoughts' challenging and connecting potential.

Oh no, i forgot to send the text/invitation for the coming meeting to the ethnonewsletter writer. But it might also be the wrong moment to do so since we have quite a lot to talk about for the following steps of the project, the net and the Verein.

see you later :-)

Hey guys,

finally got access as well, yesterday was great, looking forward to meet the 12th and speak about all that !


oh nein jetzt ist die Englische Version weg, gibt's hier Zeichenbeschränkungen bei den posts???
hier nochmal auf Englisch:

MASN Vienna Meeting

Everybody who likes to know more about the Moving Anthropology Student
Network (MASN) is hearty invited to join the MASN meeting in
These meetings are held to exchange social and cultural anthropological
themes or ideas and to talk about MASN projects on basis of transnational

Next meeting: Wednesday 12.11.2014, 19 o'clock
Meeting point: Cafe Merkur, Florianigasse 38, 1080 Vienna

The M A S N - Moving Anthropology Student Network is a transnational network open for all those who are interested in social and cultural anthropology.
Under http://www.movin-ganthropology.net you can find its virtual
communication platforms and more information about MASN. Transnational conferences organized by students for students, are opening almost yearly the space for workshops, presentations, round table discussions about actual anthropological topics or the students' research, or to connect and realize ideas.

bei mir hat es dieses Mal auch wieder nicht geklappt :-( Was sollen wir tun??? Wir brauchen Hilfe!!!
Oder klappt es jetzt bei dir?

Further News - The IG KSA will send a "Ethnonewsletter" on Wednesday or Thursday and i thought we could announce our meeting on the 12.11., what do you think?

ich hab einen alten Newslettertext ausgegraben, den passe ich hier mal an, feel free to change/improve the text:

5# MASN Wien Treffen / MASN Vienna Meeting

Möchtet ihr mehr über das Moving Anthropology Student Network (MASN)
erfahren? Dann kommt einfach vorbei, fühlt euch zum Treffen herzlich
eingeladen!Hier werden auf Basis länderübergreifender Vernetzung von
Studierenden der KSA Erfahrungen, Ideen, Projekte etc. ausgetauscht und

Zeit: Mittwoch 12.11.2014 ab 19 Uhr
Treffpunkt: Cafe Merkur, Florianigasse 38, 1080 Wien

M A S N - Moving Anthropology Student Network ist ein transnationales
Netzwerk für Studierende und Interessierte der Kultur und Sozial
Anthropologie. Das Netzwerk ist u.a. virtuell unter
http://www.moving-anthropology.net abzurufen. Jährlich werden auch von Studierenden für Studierende Konferenzen organisiert, wo Teilnehmer_Innen aus verschiedenen Ländern gemeinsam Workshops abhalten, im Rahmen von Vorträgen ihre Forschungen präsentieren, aktuelle Themen der Anthropologie bei Roundtables diskutieren und Raum zur Entfaltung sowie Umsetzung ihrer Ideen finden.

>>>In English

aaahhhh aber ich glaube cih hab da letztens das auge einmal zuviel angeklickt. jetzt sit es wieder durchgestrichen. bin gespannt ob das jetzt klappt

hmmm, deine nachricht ist bei mir auch nciht angekommen

oh ich hatte letztens das monitoring ausgeschalten statt es einzuschalten - kannst du mir nochmal antworten, denn deine letzte Mail kam bei mir nicht im Postfach an. wie funktioniert es bei dir?

now i clicked the ey tooo

Salute Mehrdad, i clicked on the group's "Eye" :-) and hope to receive all the posts in my mail account from now on - maybe you can reply to this message for testing ;-)
we had a really productive meeting yesterday, thanks for coordinating - so great, we're moving ... :-D


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