
File Galleries

  T Name Size Last modified Created / Uploaded
MASN Conference Organising Guide
376.00 KB 2016-03-26 2016-03-26
Syrreal Symphony Printmedia draft3.jpg
602.95 KB 2015-01-18 2015-01-18
Syria Flyer Draft
103.15 KB 2014-11-26 2014-11-26
Talking About Anthropology - Anthropology Students' Vocabulary
During the 7th MASN conference under the topic “Ethics and Human Rights in Anthropological Perspective” (Spring 2010) in Krzyzowa, Poland, Arne compiled the following words' list to show us which are the most popular in use by our young fellows :)
1.30 KB 2014-11-17 2014-11-17
MASN Folder
545.63 KB 2014-05-23 2014-05-23
Some Members Of The MASN Founding Meeting
123.04 KB 2013-03-24 2013-03-24
First Meeting Discussions
41.10 KB 2013-03-24 2013-03-24

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